If you have recently decided to further your education, you should consider financing your education through as many college grants as possible. A number of college grants are readily available to individuals just like you. Your goal is to find the college grants that are best aligned with the characteristics that identify who you are, the college that you will be attending, and your particular field of study.

College grants are provided by various entities based upon certain individual characteristics such as demonstrated financial need, ethnicity, and military service. One of the most well-known college grant applications is the Federal Pell Grant. The Pell grant, which is only available to students who can demonstrate a financial need, provides students with a maximum of $5,550 per year in educational aid in a single award year. The actual amount of the college grant will depend on the level of financial need, costs associated with the completion of an approved program and the enrollment status of a student (part-time or full-time). For more information visit: studentaid.gov.

The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities provide college grants ranging from $2,000 to $10,000 for Hispanic students that are attending or plan to attend colleges or universities that are members of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. For more information visit: Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities.

The GI Bill is provided by the government and is available to individuals that have completed at least 90 days of aggregate service or have received an honorable discharge from the military. This college grant can assist with tuition costs, housing costs, and provide a stipend for books. For more information visit: Department of Veterans Affairs.

A number of colleges offer college grants directly from the institution to assist individuals who are demonstrate financial need in the area of tuition and housing. As an example, Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts provides college grants to individuals, who demonstrate financial need as determined by the FASFA, for housing. The college grant, MSCBA, is provided by the Massachusetts State College Building Authority. For more information visit: bridgew.edu.

To obtain more information on the college grants available to you, you should contact the institution that you plan on attending to see what opportunities are available to you.

Lastly, various funding sources place a focus on providing college grants to create funding opportunities that are industry-specific. For example, the TEACH grant is available to students who will commit to teaching in low-income areas for a period of no less than four years upon completion of their degree. The TEACH grant allots up to $4,000 annually and is one of only a few college grants that does not require applicants to demonstrate financial need. For additional information visit: studentaid.gov.

Register to get instant access to the latest grant opportunities. Our research team adds new grant opportunities daily. In addition, we provide resources on grant writing and the best approach to winning a grant. This membership fee is a low price of $29.95 an extremely fair price for what you will receive.

Our membership fee also comes with a GUARANTEE which states: If you apply for funding using one of the applications you find on our website and you don’t receive funding, your membership fees will be refunded to you immediately. All you have to do is provide us with the name of the funding opportunity you applied for and a copy of the rejection letter you received from the funder.