A number of real estate grants are available to assist individuals who are considering the purchase of a new property. Real estate grants can include funds to assist in paying the down payments for homes, assist individuals in paying the closing costs associated with the purchase of a new property, assist in paying rent, and assist in remodeling or making repairs to an existing dwelling. Presently real estate grants are available for assistance with down payments, making rental payments, and making repairs or renovations to an existing home.

Most states offer a number of various programs to assist those interested in purchasing a new home, particularly first time home buyers, with real estate grants to provide assistance in making a down payment. For example, the state of Georgia offers the following programs: Northeast Georgia Down Payment Assistance Gift, Gwinnett County Homestretch Down Payment, Dekalb County First-Time Buyer Home Program, Hall County Down Payment Assistance, Cobb/Cherokee County Down Payment Assistance, Georgia Dream, FHLB Matching Grant, USDA, Georgia Dream NSP Purchase Program, and the “Time Is Now” Mortgage.

The federal government, through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, provides rental assistance to low income individuals that are at-risk of becoming homeless in the form of real estate grants. These programs include: HUD Public Housing, Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, and the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program. Visit your local housing authority or HUD online for more information: HUD.gov

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is presently offering real estate housing grants to very low income individuals who own their own home but are need of repairing or rehabilitating the property. Grants are award in amounts not to exceed $7,500 for low income individuals to remove a health or safety hazard from their home.

In applying for any real estate grant, it is important to remember to complete every section in the grant application. Most of the funding opportunities mentioned above are provided through either state or federal funds, so you will want to find out if they are conducting any pre-proposal conferences that you can attend to assist you in understanding exactly what each of these potential funders is looking for in their applications. Additionally, it is important to remember that you may be required to attend seminars or trainings to successfully obtain these real estate grants.

Lastly, you may also wish to consider having a professional grant writer complete your research and application or review the application that you have completed for a real estate grant prior to submission. We wish you the best of luck in securing a real estate grant!

Register to get instant access to the latest grant opportunities. Our research team adds new grant opportunities daily. In addition, we provide resources on grant writing and the best approach to winning a grant. This membership fee is a low price of $29.95 an extremely fair price for what you will receive.

Our membership fee also comes with a GUARANTEE which states: If you apply for funding using one of the applications you find on our website and you don’t receive funding, your membership fees will be refunded to you immediately. All you have to do is provide us with the name of the funding opportunity you applied for and a copy of the rejection letter you received from the funder.